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Pupil Premium

We are obliged to publish information about the amount of Pupil Premium the Academy receives each year, what it is spent on and how this impacts on raising standards. Each year we receive Pupil Premium Funding. This is awarded to the school at a rate of £1345 (April 2020 on) for every child who has been eligible for Free School Meals at any point in the last 6 years. 

We will endeavour in 2024 25, to use the pupil premium funding to improve provision, accelerate progress and raise standards of attainment for as many pupils as possible.

Specific objectives for the use of Pupil Premium funding at Dogsthorpe Academy include;

  • End of Key Stage 2: Increase the % of disadvantaged pupils achieving age related standards– rapidly dimmish the difference to national
  • Provide target intervention for vulnerable pupils across the academy who are at risk of falling behind, identified as making slower progress or those who are identified as more able
  • Provide targeted intervention and tutoring for pupils in Key Stage Two to ensure they are secondary ready
  • Provide additional support to pupils with barriers to learning
  • Ensure attendance for disadvantaged pupils is in line and/or above peers

As an Academy, although raising standards is our priority, we also subscribe fully to the vision and ethos of Your Character Counts; a strategy aimed at developing the Characteristics and Personal Capabilities of GAT Children and Young People”. The aim of the strategy is ultimately to ensure outstanding progress for all pupils, regardless of starting points and disadvantage, through the development of academic rigour, alongside personal capabilities. At the core of the strategy is the development of self-worth and self-belief.

We hold the view that all our pupils have the potential to acquire the essential personal capabilities and positive characteristics to be successful. These are innate; but both social disadvantage and low aspiration in the home mean that some of our pupils enter our academy missing the early opportunities to develop these essential attributes.

We also hold the view that from the moment a child enters our academy, we have a responsibility to nurture and develop her/him through both academic rigour and the building of character so that each person can be successful in life, breaking the cycle of disadvantage within our communities. We must ensure that pupils develop, independently, a range of attitudes and characteristics that will define them as positive individuals willing to contribute constructively to society.